Stalking four bank-robbing brothers in the southwest’s wintery barren land become Chief Detective Alberto Jose Cargile’s arduous challenge. Surrounded by magically painted mountains, this case is full of menace and uncertainty. His search starts near the Ghost Ranch land but leads Alberto to his home town Trissa where the brothers commandeered Maggie May’s B&B for their hide-out. The location, barely blocks away from his home, brings a pent-up anger that may have weakened his objective decision process.
The eruption of a 100-year snow storm diminishes Detective Cargile’s options. How does Alberto square Trissa and his neighbors’ safety against the cunning brothers? With the deep snow and no exit for the narcissistic leader, the standoff menacingly turns into a showdown with guns a blazing. Alberto senses it may be his own death sentence. Whose blood will spill?