Rasputin’s Revenge

Rasputin’s Revenge

Series: Crying Body Series

Genre: Science Fiction

In the year 2322 Nona Clark, University department director, is unexpectedly offered the Secretary of the Interior position by President Dominic. Her previous reports held insights regarding the year 2222 -known as The Terrible Twos- when tsunamis destroyed all land west of the Rockies. Her directive is to rejuvenate the land. The first work is focused on the Dakota Territory -lost statehood- as proof of concept.

The mayor of the Dakota company town, Rasputin Ratsiloff, a sadist, is angered with Nona’s appointment. Reporting to the alien Elders -that run the plazas in the western territory- Rasputin has free rein to continue his vengeful acts against David, Nona’s husband, for destroying his sex trade in the southwest.

Nona quickly discovers Rasputin’s unscrupulous cahoots with the underbelly of Washington D.C. to control the economy of the western US. Confusing diversions are hurled at her efforts. Are the Elders or the president Nona’s friends or foes? And the angel-like creatures known as Crying Bodies: Are they involved to protect Nona and David?

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