John Abeln traveled the world for twenty-eight years creating local businesses and managing European business development and medical market contract negotiations. He and his family lived in Brussels for five years in the 1980’s. During overseas trips he developed his writing habit and began weaving his business associates and the unusual places he visited into his stories. Out of these personal episodes, he creates intriguing plot lines by combining actual experiences with a generous creative license. John’s writing style tends to deliver murder, mystery, and business intrigue while integrating vivid European settings.
Living in another country cannot be compared to a vacation experience, “especially with two teenagers and two toddlers in tow,” laughs John. He ended his corporate life after a successful stint with a South African start-up company.
When John and his wife, Prudence, finally left the business world for good, John immersed himself in his fiction writing more deeply. His numerous works have been published through his primary marketing base, Amazon.com. Besides the murder/mystery genre, John has also ventured into science fiction, children’s literature, and supernatural short stories.
His books are available in paperback and Kindle versions.
Thanks for taking an interest in his writing adventures! He loves hearing form his readers. You can reach John at [email protected]